We ensure that mandatory returns are filed according to the rules of good practice. These include your VAT return, VAT listing, intra-Community statement, corporate tax return, etc. We work proactively and inform you in good time about the formalities to be completed. Based on the accounting and interim results, we estimate the expected taxes and advise you on opportunities to avail of tax benefits.
An optimal tax return, whether for personal income tax or corporate tax, is our ultimate goal.
Our tax services include:
- Filling out personal income tax returns
- Filling out corporate tax returns
- Optimisation between private and corporate
- VAT related advice
- Assistance and/or representation during tax audits
- Drafting of tax appeal notices
Tax legislation on VAT, corporate tax and personal income tax is constantly changing. We keep you informed of the changes and their impact on your business activities.
Any specific tax questions? Don’t hesitate to ask us. All your questions are thoroughly researched and our answers are well-founded. Clear and effective, so that your business can grow again.
Business start-up assistance
Starting your own business? Setting up a sole proprietorship? Establishing a company? Getting proper business start-up assistance is the first step to success. We help our customers navigate safely the treacherous waters of administrative obligations.
- Bookkeeping
- Accounting result calculation
- Preparation of the annual accounts
- Advice on the organisation of accounting
Business advice
Based on an analysis of the profitability of your company, we can make proposals to maintain and/or optimise your company's economic health, both in the short and long term (e.g. by organising the succession).
Online accounting
Our firm offers you, as an entrepreneur, the option to manage your own accounts completely online. Invoices are issued in e-fff format or UBL format to ensure your customers can read them automatically in their accounting systems.