Business management consultant
Based on an analysis of the profitability of your company, we can make proposals to maintain and/or optimise your company's economic health.
Specific interventions are required as your company grows and evolves. A start-up simply needs different advice than an established firm seeking to expand, merge or transfer the business.
For you as an entrepreneur, it is essential to be able to rely on a competent and trusted advisor in each of these specific stages of your company's growth process.
We periodically analyse your results and financial position to make sure you get the necessary support to implement your policy.
If you need to obtain external financial resources, we draw up financial forecasts and defend them before your bank. We remain your loyal partner, assisting you with your growth.
Business start-up assistance

Wij staan u bij als startende ondernemer met raad en daad betreffende de keuze van de juridische vorm, het opstellen van uw financieel plan, de aanvraag van subsidies en premies.

- Bookkeeping
- Accounting result calculation
- Preparation of the annual accounts
- Advice on the organisation of accounting

We provide assistance to all taxpayers with, among other things, completing and filing electronic personal and corporate tax as well as VAT returns. On the strength of our close collaboration with notaries and lawyers, we are also able to provide advice on inheritance tax, customs and excise duties, as well as registration duties.
Online accounting

Our firm offers you, as an entrepreneur, the option to manage your own accounts completely online. Invoices are issued in e-fff format or UBL format to ensure your customers can read them automatically in their accounting systems.